Often times there is no review at all and when there is, it is often not linked to anything at all,
Or worst case scenario is it just a box ticking exercise and the salary raise is already agreed behind closed doors with little or no input from the employee?
If you work in any of the above types of companies there is still a strategy to negotiating a pay rise and in order for you to be successful in your efforts you need to have done your homework.
In every business conversation the ultimate goal is to end up with a win win situation, so the final agreement should leave everyone walking away from the table thinking they are in the winning seat. The employer should think that they have gotten a great deal, the employee will take on further responsibilities and the cost is comparable and justified. The employee should feel that they have been offered what they are worth and that they haven't sold their first born to be able to pay the rent.
So where do you begin your homework, check out the following 3. steps to perfect preparation for the upcoming review meeting.
- Consider your achievements over the past year and make a note of them and what you have learned and how you can use those new skills to benefit the company in the new year. Bring some ideas to the table.
- Make a case for the knowledge and years of experience you bring to the role and be able to justify why it is a good time for a pay rise.
- Educate yourself as to what people in your industry are earning and bring that information to the discussion - follow the link below for more information on average salaries.
Once you are sure you have a great business case for a raise and even a promotion if you are feeling that positive then have the conversation with a friend, practice it, ask your friend to play 'Devil's advocate'.
One thing to remember there is more than just money to talk about when it comes to a raise, there are all kinds of benefits that might come into play and be more attractive to both the employer and the employee.
Finally - you are worth it so have courage and just do it!!
Good luck form the CV Clinic. And if you don't get what you deserve you know where I am if you need help making the move.